Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Florida
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Child Advancement Family Empowerment

Devereux Florida - Devereux Kids

The Child Advancement Family EmpowermentThe CAFÉ program serves children and families in Grand Avenue, Richmond Heights and Orange Center Elementary Schools in Orlando, Florida. The mission of the CAFÉ Program is to make a positive contribution to a culture of learning which promotes self-esteem, security, support and opportunity for the students and their families as well as the community where they reside.

This program is due possible with funding and support from the Heart of Florida United Way in partnership with Devereux Florida. It was born out of an assessment of need within the 32805 zip code area conducted by the Heart of Florida United Way. The decision was made to make a preventive impact on this area by focusing on the well-being of children and families using the elementary schools as a point of access. The CAFÉ program draws upon the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) model created by the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University and includes a focus on 40 Developmental Assets for Children.

The Program provides an opportunity for local residents to participate in activities in a safe and convenient location.  These prevention oriented activities are designed to assist children in learning how to improve both their academic and behavioral performance in the school setting and to assist parents in learning how to more effectively participate in their child’s education.  The CAFE Program offers Great Starts, Great Endings, Peacemakers Club and Supporting Strong Families events at various times throughout the week to provide children and their family members an opportunity to explore effective ways to address issues such as: conflict resolution, character development, neighborhood safety, domestic violence, personal health, self-esteem and problem solving. 

Activities are facilitated by school counselors, early childhood specialists and community volunteers from the Holden Heights Neighborhood Association before and after school at the Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center.  In addition, the Program coordinates 50 mentors recruited and trained from both private and public partners to serve as mentors to elementary school aged children.

It is the Child Advancement/Family Empowerment (CAFÉ) Program's mandate to make a positive, preventive impact into the lives of children and families residing within the 32805 zip code area. From a developmental point of view, there will never be a more efficient and effective time to intervene into the lives of these children than at the outset of their formal education. It is the goal of the CAFÉ Program to make a contribution into the lives of these children - and young families - which will pay dividends for the rest of their lives.