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Hello Devereux Friend, May 2008
May is National Foster Care Month

National Foster Care Month, celebrated every May, provides an opportunity for us to show appreciation to the dedicated foster families and social workers across the nation. It also provides an opportunity to get more people involved, whether as foster parents, volunteers, mentors, employers, advocates or in other ways. More >>
Devereux is officially Green...er!

The Glenholme School Participates in Shepaug Literacy Day

On April 30, 2008 the Devereux Glenholme School was a participant in the Shepaug Literacy Day. Full Story >>
Devereux Supporting Strong Families in the Community

The night of Tuesday, April 15 marked the success of a fantastic event held by Devereux, in cooperation with the Holden Heights Neighborhood Association. The “Supporting Strong Families” night went on without a hitch and gave the community around the Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center the opportunity to have dinner and dialogue with the Orlando chief of police, Val Demings. Full Story >>
Former Viera Campus Student Receives Award

Daphne, a former student from the campus who has flourished in her Devereux Family Care placement, has been awarded the Sun Sentinel’s Kids of Character Award. Full Story >>
Devereux Store
Forging Hope

Forging Hope PinSymbolized by a person soaring into independence. The ring represents a continuous circle of support. The soaring dove illustrates that everyone can fly, forging hope for a better future. The circle represents the support of family and staff. More Information >>

Purchase your limited edition one-of-a-kind artisan pin today.
Competitively-Priced Golf Tees

Devereux Pocono Golf TeesIn Devereux’s successful Golf Tee program, Devereux clients assemble and package their own name brand golf tee product. Devereux tees are packaged in special quantities or tee colors. Labels are also customized for special orders. More Information >>
Devereux Early Childhood Initiative Training DVDs

"Facing the Challenge" and "Classroom Moments" are two exciting new DVDs just released on ways to work with children who have challenging behaviors.

"Facing the Challenge" is a 2-disc DVD set that includes almost 140 minutes of DVD footage. More Information >>

"Classroom Moments" DVD is a must for any trainer who wants to bring their training material to life with real classroom footage. More Information >>
Ask Dr. Berno
Child Obsessive Compulsive DisorderChild Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Occuring in a mere two percent of children, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a serious and demanding illness that is characterized by obsessions and compulsions which are a need to perform repetitive acts in order to diminish some impending distress. Full Story >>
Teenagers and DepressionTeenagers and Depression: Clinical Depression is a serious illness that can affect anybody, including teenagers. Mood swings, irritability and fluctuations in self-esteem are often “par for the course” for the average teenager. Full Story >>
Paying Attention to ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) seems to be the catch-all phrase to explain almost any child’s hyperactive behavior; however, there are actually three subtypes of ADHD recognized by professionals. Full Story >>
ADHD - Not Just for KidsADHD, Not Just For Kids: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly associated with children; however, between 30 to 70 percent of children with ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms in their adult years. Full Story >>
You Make a Difference
There are many ways you can support Devereux and change a life!

Ways you can make a difference:
Devereux and You... Making a Difference!
Upcoming Events
Devereux Pennsylvania
21st Annual Devereux Golf Classic

Monday, June 30, 2008
St. Davids Golf Club
Space for this event is limited. Call today for sponsorship information. More information? Contact Shamra Spencer at (610) 699-1221 Ext. 223 or sspencer@devereux.org.

Devereux Glenholme

June 25, 2008

Devereux Santa Barbara
Devereux Day

September 13, 2008
Make your travel plans now! Clients, staff, families and friends will gather on the North Knoll to celebrate our successes and camaraderie this Fall. More Information? Call Janis Johnson, Devereux Day Coordinator at 805-968-2525, ext. 202; or contact her via email.

Devereux Glenholme
Grandparent’s Day at Glenholme

September 19, 2008

Devereux Pennsylvania
10th Anniversary Auction Gala

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue

Devereux Florida
4th Annual Matthew Development Golf for the Kids Tournament & Auction

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Villas of Grand Cypress Golf Resort
Orlando, Florida
Stay in Touch
Select your center from the list below and start receiving their eNewsletter today.
Devereux President Blog
In This Issue
> May is National Foster Care Month
> Devereux is officially Green...er!
> The Glenholme School Participates in Shepaug Literacy Day
> Devereux Supporting Strong Families in the Community
> Former Viera Campus Student Receives Award
> Devereux Store
> Ask Dr. Berno
> You Make a Difference
> Upcoming Events
> Stay In Touch with Devereux
Everyone deserves a chance. Make a difference by donating to help children and adults at Devereux.
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  • Visit Goodsearch.com
  • Type "Devereux" in the Who do you GoodSearch for? box
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  • Start searching
Tributes and My Heroes
Devereux's Tributes is an easy to use web-based way to support Devereux's mission while honoring a friend or loved one through a personalized mini-website.

Devereux supporters can easily build a custom website about a special person through easy-to-use design tools. Within 10-15 minutes they can send emails to friends and family asking them to visit the site and add to the tribute.

Tributes extend Devereux's network of friends and support of the mission. While the site set-up and follow-up are easily accomplished, the Devereux web team will help in the design of the Tribute site should the need arise.

Honor someone special today!

View an example!

Contact the Devereux team for assistance.
2008 Events
Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct Nov Dec
At Devereux we believe in the potential of the clients we serve. We believe in their abilities and their hidden talents. We also believe in developing our employees because it is through their special talents that our clients find hope. View our open positions & join the Devereux team today!
Devereux's Mission
Devereux changes lives and nurtures human potential. We inspire hope, ensure well-being, and promote meaningful life choices. Our mission is achieved through a wide range of services and supports for individuals and their families.
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