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Devereux Florida Newsletter

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Three smiling children
Make a Difference
As a supporter of Devereux Florida, you will be helping the children, adults and families with special needs by fostering their human potential. Help us continue to bring comfort and hope to those who need our special services. Donate Today!
Art Corner
Artwork created by a Devereux Florida child.
The Art Corner
NFL Football Player Provides Inspirational Speech
Philadelphia Eagles Fullback, Leonard Weaver, III, grew up in Brevard county and enjoys giving back to his community by being a role model for youth. Full Story >>

Devereux Florida is Meeting the Need for Individuals with Autism
Approximately one out of every 150 children is diagnosed with Autism. Devereux has a successful history in serving children and adults with Autism in Florida since 1987, utilizing the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and now Devereux is expanding this expertise statewide to individuals and their families by providing ABA services in homes, school and communities. Full Story >>

Devereux Viera Campus Holds Their Annual Prom
Children and staff at the Devereux Viera Campus upheld their annual tradition for another year in a row. This year's theme: HOLLYWOOD! Typically, teenagers in their Junior and Senior year of high school get to experience the send-off party that has become well-known throughout the country as Prom night, an amazing evening filled with excitement, young love and dancing 'til you drop. Full Story >>

Graduation Ceremonies at the Tallahassee and Orlando Residential Programs
Devereux Florida's Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Programs in Tallahassee and Orlando celebrated the end of the school year with a graduation ceremony at each program site. Full Story >>

It Is That Time of Year Again to Golf for the Kids!
Looking for an opportunity to get out of the office for a fun filled day? Interested in networking with other businesses? Here is your chance to enjoy both while supporting children in need. Full Story >>

Devereux says THANKS to the Foundation for Foster Children
The Foundation for Foster Children recently hosted a party for foster care children in Central Florida. Their "Be Cool Summer Kick-Off" honored foster children as they start their summer break. Full Story >>

The Backpack Drive Is Under Way
Can you remember the smell of crayons and pencils? That curiously particular scent marked the waning days of summer and the beginning of another year of school. Full Story >>
Faces of Devereux

Meet Steve Kaplan, Devereux Florida's resident expert in assessing and treating children and adolescents with sexually reactive and sexual offending behaviors. With almost twenty years experience and having worked over 1,000 cases, Mr. Kaplan is well regarded across the state for his success in this highly specialized area. Kaplan strongly believes that child and adolescent offenders are "the most treatable" of the offending population. The outcome data supports that thought, as Kaplan reports a 95% success rate for youth who succeed through his program. When asked what makes him so successful with this population, Kaplan modestly replies that it is "working for a great organization like Devereux" that has helped pave the way for so many youth. "Devereux can offer services that no other provider can, from the variety of placement options, to the quality of the psychiatric services, to the diversification of funding options, Devereux is different from the rest."
Upcoming Events
Golf for the Kids Tournament

Devereux Florida Golf TournamentRegister Today!
5th Annual Golf for the Kids Tournament to benefit Devereux Florida
Friday, December 4, 2009
Villas of Grand Cypress Golf Resort
Orlando, Florida
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? 2003-2009, Devereux
Devereux Florida
5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Suite 400, Orlando, FL 32822

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Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health