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Devereux Florida - The Chronicles ENewsletter

Devereux Awarded $125 Million DCF Contract

Florida eNewsletter 1Devereux has been awarded a five year, $125 million contract to provide child welfare services in Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee counties.

This contract with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) will establish Devereux as the community-based care lead agency serving DCF’s Southeast Region. Read more 

Combatting Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Did you know children are being bought, traded, sold and smuggled to perform sexual acts against their will? It is estimated over 325,000 children in the United States, Canada and Mexico are at risk each year for becoming victims of sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is perhaps one of the most unimaginable practices in existence today. Read more

Brighten the Holidays of Children in Need.

Florida eNewsletter 3For some, this season can be very difficult. Imagine you are a child who has been beaten, abused, neglected or who needs to be removed from your home. The only thing you can take with you is what can fit in a small trash bag. Read more

Help at Your Fingertips

With an updated look and feel, the new Devereux Florida website gives you easier access to services and program information. Visitors to are greeted by easy-to-navigate pages with specialized sections for individuals and family members, referral sources, foster families as well as donor and community members. Read more

Pep Rally to Promote Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports

The Viera Campus held a campus-wide fun-filled pep rally to launch its new Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program (PBIS), which is a new innovative program designed to address the behavioral needs of all children by organizing services on the Viera Campus. PBIS emphasizes prevention and teaching. Read more

It Starts With You!

Faces of Devereux Did you know about 1 in 4 adults suffer from some type of mental health disorder in a given year? There is no single known cause of depression, but it likely results from a combination of genetic, biochemical, psychological or environmental factors. For more information, visit

Preparing Students for Academic Success - One Backpack

Sadly, there are kids throughout Florida who depend on loving caretakers to cover the costs of their needs. Extras like backpacks and school supplies fall to the bottom of the list when money runs short. In order to help provide relief for these children and their caretakers, Devereux Florida once again hosted its Back to School Supply Drive. Read more

Winter Commencement Ceremony Held at the Viera Campus

The Devereux School, at the Viera Campus, held a special graduation ceremony last week to honor two of our residential students on successfully earning their high school diplomas. Read more

The Cure for an Empty Nest

After years of raising her own kids, Rose missed the afternoons of homework and sports, family dinners in the evenings and weekends splashing in the pool. She simply couldn’t imagine her home without children. “I missed having fun with kids, hearing their laughter and helping them through the difficulties of growing up,” she recalls. Read more

Answer the Call. Make a Difference in a Child’s Life.

According to the National Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System for the National Children's Bureau, there are about 382,400 children and youth currently in foster care in the United States and approximately 104,200 are available for adoption. For more information, call 1.855.LUV.KIDS (1.855.588.5437) or email

Quick Action Saves Resident’s Life

At Devereux Florida’s Viera Campus, residents receive the care and support they need especially in times of crisis. For a 17-year-old patient in the center’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Program, her close ties to Devereux caregivers not only helped her overcome physical and emotional challenges … they have saved her life. A couple months ago, she survived a massive seizure thanks to the skill, attentiveness and compassion of direct care team members at the Viera Campus. Read more

Fall/Winter 2013

Upcoming Events

Holiday Gift Drive

Help ensure every child experiences the magic of the holiday season. For more information visit,

National Slavery &Human Trafficking

Awareness Month January -
All Month

Make a move to end human trafficking and slavery. Become an advocate this month.

National School Counseling Week
February 4th - 8th, 2014

Celebrate school counseling! Show your support this week by saying thank you to a counselor or writing to your school board.

Art With A Heart
February 8th, 2014

An elegant date night with an artful twist to benefit Devereux Florida. For more information, visit

Faces of Devereux

Welcome Dr. Pozzi

fl_dec5.jpgDevereux Florida would like to welcome Carlos Pozzi, Ph.D., as the new Clinical Director for Devereux Florida. “We are very fortunate to have recruited a leader with the vision, skills and experience in working with the populations we serve,” says Devereux Florida’s Executive Director Steven J. Murphy. “Dr. Pozzi is a dedicated clinician. We look forward to collaborating with him to accelerate or clinical expertise, while ensuring the highest standards in patient care.”

Kudos to Mick Hanson

Devereux Florida would like to congratulate Mick Hanson, LMHC, clinical supervisor for Devereux Foster Care Brevard. He was awarded a $3,500 scholarship to attend the private Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) training for agency professionals in Ft. Worth, Texas.

TBRI® is an emerging intervention model for a wide range of childhood behavioral problems. It is based on a solid foundation of neuropsychological theory and research, tempered by humanitarian principles. It is a family-based approach and helps create healing environments for children who have come from difficult situations.

The Art Corner

This imaginative artwork was created by a Devereux child. | 800-Devereux (338-3738) ext. 77130 |
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