Devereux  Advanced Behavioral Health Pennsylvania
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Devereux programs - Emotional and Behavioral health challenges   Devereux programs - Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities   Devereux programs - Autism Spectrum Disorders   Devereux programs - Brain Injuries

Who We Help

Devereux Pennsylvania’s continuum of care enables us to provide service options ranging from intensive residential treatment programs and inpatient/outpatient services, to community-based services, group homes, individualized family services, day schools and employment programs.

Our Advanced Philosophy of Care focuses on:

  • Individualized, evidenced-based interventions
  • Effective and accountable programs delivered with compassion – Meeting the “Devereux Family Standard”
  • System-wide, trauma-informed, data-driven, positive-behavioral approach to care
  • Meaningful family engagement and community connection

Learn more about Devereux’s Advanced Philosophy of Care and our approach to treatment.

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health programs embrace four significant essentials of treatment: family engagement, functional behavior assessment, trauma-informed care and positive behavior support.

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports and Trauma-Informed Care

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is committed to implementing multi-tiered systems of behavioral and academic support – including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) – across our treatment network. “Devereux Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports” (D-PBIS) is a trauma-informed framework that combines several initiatives under one umbrella to create a seamless, multi-layered system of support for individuals across all Devereux programs. D-PBIS was designed specifically for alternative settings – including our approved private schools, day/residential mental health treatment programs, child welfare settings, as well as programs for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism – and is currently being implemented across our organization.

D-PBIS is a framework that adopts evidence-based behavioral interventions to enhance the academic and social behavior outcomes for all individuals. Teaching alternative or replacement behaviors is a critical component of D-PBIS, as is the use of data for effective treatment decisions. D-PBIS promotes a safe and effective environment that facilitates positive interactions among staff and the individuals we serve.

Our D-PBIS program provides Devereux team members and those in our care with a common vision, language and experience. As a trauma-informed framework, D-PBIS acknowledges the prevalence of traumatic occurrences in a person’s life and reflects the following trauma-informed care principles: safety; trustworthiness and transparency; peer support; collaboration and mutuality; empowerment voice and choice; cultural, historical and gender issues; ongoing performance improvement and evaluation.

As part of our comprehensive D-PBIS system of care, we complete comprehensive assessments to determine appropriate levels of supervision and individualized treatment planning to meet each individual's need and level of risk.

Family engagement is one of the most important building blocks in successful treatment and outcomes.

Devereux really seemed to be the best place for my daughter, Annie. It was the best in terms of what the curriculum was including, the positive behavior supports they use and the reinforcements. The environment and the staff is what I was most impressed with. The staff got to know our names—they are very caring. The changes in our life have just been so wonderful, optimistic and hopeful.
- Amy Kelly, Devereux parent