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Hold your own fundraiser to help those served by Devereux!

Fundraising for the children, adolescents and adults served by Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health has never been easier or more fun! 

Friends and family members of Devereux are taking their support to the next level via a new, web-based crowdfunding platform. The tool allows donors to:

  • Make a one-time donation;
  • Make a recurring donation; and/or
  • Host a personal fundraiser page and link it to a donor’s social media networks.   

The new site is powered by MobileCause, an industry leader in providing secure crowdfunding, online donor and engagement opportunities.  

“Recently, several of our supporters – especially young people with large social media networks – have asked how they can help advance Devereux’s mission. This new platform is an exciting way to get involved with our organization,” said Devereux National Director of Development Antonia Allsman. “People may want to celebrate a special event, or simply call attention to an issue by asking friends and family for support during a specific monthly observance – National Autism Awareness Month, National Mental Health Month, or Human Trafficking Awareness Month, to name a few examples.”  

Look below to find out how you can get started … 

  • If you are interested in hosting a Devereux fundraiser, simply access the fundraising home page and select the “Become a Fundraiser” button. There, you can set up your own page, include a photo, fundraising goal, and add an explanation why you are working to raise funds. In addition, you can direct your fundraising to a specific Devereux center. Once your personal fundraising page is created, you can share it with friends and family through your social media pages (which is easily accessible by all mobile devices).
  • If you are interested in making a donation, click on the “Make a Donation” button and sign up for one-time or recurring donation to support individuals living with emotional, behavioral and cognitive differences – who are served by Devereux. 

The tool also allows Devereux centers across the country to highlight various fundraising initiatives, whether it be for a refurbished classroom, a sensory room for those with autism spectrum disorders, or materials to enhance services for individuals with emotional and behavioral differences. 

Sharing our story

In addition to generating much-needed funds, this new technology allows more and more people to hear, or read about, how Devereux provides hope and healing to thousands of people – and their families – every day. 

“When the general public understands, at a personal level, the challenges faced by individuals with emotional, behavioral and cognitive differences, they care more about their issues,” added Allsman. “The more we can all advocate on this vulnerable population’s behalf, challenge the stigma of mental health, and provide financial support, the greater the resources will be to serve their needs.”   

Learn about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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