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Devereux employee’s idea selected as finalist by University of Pennsylvania’s Crowdsourcing Challenge


Molly Stubbs

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Pennsylvania Clinical Case Manager Molly Stubbs was recently selected as a finalist in the University of Pennsylvania’s “Philly Clinician Crowdsourcing Challenge.”

Molly Stubbs

Molly Stubbs (far right) with other clinicians who presented their ideas during the University of Pennsylvania’s IDEA Gala Celebration in May.

When Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Pennsylvania Clinical Case Manager Molly Stubbs heard about the University of Pennsylvania’s “Philly Clinician Crowdsourcing Challenge,” she jumped at the chance to submit an idea. 

The university’s Perelman School of Medicine launched the “Your Big Idea Challenge” earlier this year as a way to gather ideas from frontline mental health clinicians on how to better leverage learnings from evidence-based practices. Note: An evidence-based practice (EBP) is a treatment that has been researched academically or scientifically, been proven effective, and replicated by more than one investigation or study. Click here to learn more about the Challenge. 

Idea calls for identifying experts

In her role as a clinical case manager – and as a licensed therapist – based in Phoenixville, Pa., Molly implements EBPs on a daily basis. Her idea revolved around increasing the number of EBP experts throughout Southeast Pennsylvania.  

“I tried to think of a concept that could help our team implement EBPs more successfully and with higher fidelity,” she explained.  

Specifically, Molly’s idea involves: 1) identifying experts at multiple behavioral health organizations that currently use the EBP model, and 2) share EBP information and knowledge between organizations. “I believe it would be beneficial to the fidelity of the EBPs we implement to have several ‘experts’ to turn to for consultation and training, both within Devereux and in larger the behavioral health community,” she added.  

In April, Molly was notified by the university that her idea was one of six chosen for possible development. A committee of experts – including representatives from the university and the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services – reviewed 66 ideas submitted by therapists from across the greater Philadelphia area. 

Next steps

In addition to winning $100, Molly attended the University of Pennsylvania’s IDEA Gala Celebration in May, where she presented her winning idea to the university’s Challenge Committee and gala attendees. Her hope is that she is able to work with university researchers to further develop, and potentially implement, the idea. 

“I am honored that my idea was selected as a finalist,” she said. “I hope it can be a spark in the mental health community as a way we can strive for more meaningful outcomes.” 

Devereux Pennsylvania Children’s Behavioral Health Services Executive Director Dr. Rhea Fernandes said, “We are so proud of Molly and are grateful that her talents and innovation is being recognized by the University of Pennsylvania and the broader behavioral healthcare community.” 

Learn about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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