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Devereux Florida youth, staff gather supplies for residents of the Bahamas impacted by Hurricane Dorian


After learning about the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, youth and staff at Devereux Florida were spurred to action.

The group joined forces with students from a local private school to gather food and supplies and write notes of encouragement for those in need.

After learning about the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, youth and staff at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Florida were spurred to action.  

The group joined forces with students from a local, private school to gather food and supplies, and write notes of encouragement for those in need. 

“The destruction left behind by this hurricane weighed heavy on our hearts,” said Devereux Florida Director of External Affairs Lindsey Phillips. “Some of the individuals we serve, as well as our staff, have loved ones living in the Bahamas, while others have suffered tremendous loss and trauma as a result of previous storms. We wanted to do something to help our neighbors, the wonderful people of the Bahamas, and this provided the perfect opportunity to teach our youth about the importance of giving back.”  

Working together to lend a helping hand

In preparation for the storm which, at one point, was heading directly for the Sunshine State, Devereux Florida purchased supplies, including non-perishable food items, bottled water, hygiene kits and children’s activity books. Youth and staff boxed up the unused supplies and created cards with messages of support for residents of the Bahamas. Students from the local school donated additional supplies.    

Thanks to a coordinated effort between central Florida lawmakers, including state Reps. Scott Plakon and Anna Eskamani, former Rep. Bob Cortes, and commuter airline Air Unlimited, Devereux Florida’s supplies, along with hundreds of boxes of donations from the community, were delivered to the Bahamas.  

”This was such a meaningful way for our individuals to get involved and experience the intrinsic rewards of assisting others,” Phillips explained. “Our youth felt compelled to lend a helping hand and learned what it means to be true servant leaders by putting the needs of others first.” 

View a video of Devereux Florida youth working together to support hurricane relief efforts. Learn more about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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