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Parent helps raise more than $13,000 for Devereux Texas’ Community Living Program


Barbara Ryan, whose daughter Bekah is enrolled in Devereux Texas’ Community-based Living Program at the organization’s Victoria campus, recently launched a fundraiser to show support for the program and express gratitude to team members for all they have done to help her daughter thrive.

“Staff members have inspired confidence in me. I know they have my daughter’s back, and are going to do everything they can to ensure her needs are met.”
– Devereux Texas parent Barbara Ryan

Barbara, whose daughter Bekah has been enrolled in Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Texas’ Community-based Living Program (CLP) at the organization’s Victoria campus for the past nine years, recently launched a fundraiser to show support for the program and express gratitude to team members for all they have done to help her daughter thrive.

In just two months, Barbara helped raise more than $13,000 for the CLP.

“We are ever thankful for the CLP,” Barbara shared. “Bekah, who has autism and is non-verbal, receives excellent care. She lives in a comfortable home off-campus, has delightful roommates who tend to view her as their little sister in need of assistance, and loves van rides to attend the day program.”

Finding the right services

Barbara remembers the day she realized she needed to find a residential placement for her daughter.

“Bekah and I were the only ones at a lake, bread bag in hand, feeding an army of ducks and geese,” Barbara recalled. “Suddenly, an old gander became aggressive. Bekah sat down. In a panic, I picked her up to protect her, all 98 pounds of her, and felt a searing pain in my back. We were living in Dallas at the time and looked at group homes near us, but given Bekah’s challenges, we were unable to find the right fit. Then came Devereux, and the rest is history.”

Barbara says from the moment she first spoke with a CLP team member, she knew her daughter would be in good hands.

“I did not hold back when describing our adorable, but labor-intensive daughter,” Barbara said. “These were the words that were spoken to me: ‘There is not one behavior you have described that we have not seen or dealt with before. We would be delighted to have you place her in our community.’”

Showing appreciation by raising funds

Two years after Bekah was placed at Devereux Texas, Barbara helped raised $20,000 for her daughter’s program. This year, she wanted to raise additional funds to show staff just how much they mean to her and her family.

She explained, “The team looks past her challenging behaviors to see what I see – a little charmer. They work diligently to provide for her, and everyone’s, needs.”

Devereux Texas Executive Director Pam Reed, M.S., noted, “We want to thank Barbara for generously donating her time and talents over the years to help raise funds for our program. Every day, our team members give their all to provide the best possible care for the individuals we serve. We are honored to have family members like Barbara show their support, gratitude and appreciation for our employees' tireless efforts.”

Learn more about Devereux Texas and how you can make a donation to support the center’s programs and services, including the Community-based Living Program. Learn more about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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