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Devereux Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program helps family thrive


Joaquin and Tina Angles credit Devereux Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program with helping them build a more positive, healthy relationship with their twin boys, Andre and Christian, who were struggling with behavioral challenges.

When Joaquin and Tina Angles first learned about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program, they were unsure whether the program could benefit their family – but the couple remained hopeful.  

At the time, the Angles’ twin boys, Andre and Cristian, were struggling with behavioral challenges, and had started to become physical at home. 

“It got to the point where our boys could not play by themselves without conflict and constant fighting,” said Joaquin Angles. “There was a big power struggle where they would not respect each other – or us. We tried different discipline strategies, but nothing worked.”  

Seeing positive results

The couple participated in Devereux Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program for six months. Intensive family coaching is based on parent-child interaction therapy, an evidence-based treatment for children with significant behavioral differences. The goal is for families to build a more positive parent-child relationship. 

“I can honestly say the program exceeded many of our expectations in a very positive way,” Joaquin Angles shared. “The training we received provided us with a variety of tools and skills we now use on a daily basis, both at home and in the community. For that, we are most grateful.” 

Tina Angles also noted, “We incorporated a reward system at home that encourages appropriate behaviors. We also created a “reward chart” to prompt our boys, 6, to perform age-appropriate self-care. For example, our boys now dress themselves, brush their teeth, feed themselves and make their own beds. Prior to the program, our boys did not perform any of these self-care activities.”  

While the Angleses admit they still face some challenges, overall, they say their boys are more respectful and their home life is more peaceful. 

“Andre and Cristian still have their moments, but these moments are less frequent and more controllable,” Tina Angles explained. 

Advice for other parents

The Angleses, who completed Devereux Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program in March, encourage other families who may be struggling to explore this treatment option. 

“We are incredibly grateful to our therapists, Stacy Swenson and Dana Schottmiller, who were supportive and encouraging, and provided us with the knowledge and the confidence we needed to help our family thrive,” Joaquin Angles said. “While the program required a significant time commitment from our family each week – with many hours spent practicing and applying the skills we learned – it was well worth it. We were willing to sacrifice anything to ensure we could bring some sort of normalcy to our family.” 

Tina Angles agreed: “We can now go into social situations without having to leave because of behavior issues. Our boys are able to make friends more easily, and participate in activities such as science club, T-ball, swimming and soccer. I would tell other parents that Devereux Pennsylvania’s intensive family coaching program is absolutely worth the time investment for your children.”

Learn about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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