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Devereux Texas’ Friends of Devereux volunteers enrich lives of youth, adults


Devereux Texas’ Friends of Devereux volunteers enrich the lives of those served by the organization at its League City campus through donations and activities throughout the year.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, these volunteers have supported the center in many ways, including sponsoring an ice cream truck.

“Our amazing volunteer group, the Friends of Devereux, always seems to know how to bring a smile to the faces of the adolescents and young adults in our care.”
- Devereux Texas Executive Director Pam Reed

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Texas’ Friends of Devereux volunteers enhance and enrich the lives of those served by the organization at its League City campus through donations and activities throughout the year, such as birthday celebrations, holiday stockings and monthly “Fun Nights” – when individuals can spend time tie-dying shirts, playing bingo or watching movies.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, these volunteers have supported the center by:

  • Making fabric face masks to help keep essential staff – and the individuals they serve – safe and healthy
  • Donating bags filled with games, books and other recreational supplies to help adolescents and young adults stay engaged and entertained
  • Holding weekly spiritual enrichment services via Zoom, for those who wish to attend, to provide hope and healing for individuals suffering from emotional pain
  • Sponsoring an ice cream truck, as well as a visit by a petting zoo

“We want to thank our Friends of Devereux for all they do for our organization,” said Reed. “Whether they are sewing face masks or filling backpacks with games and other goodies, this group of volunteers is always willing to give so generously of their time and talents to show our individuals and team members how much they care. Their selfless and inspiring efforts have had a positive impact on the lives of those we serve – and we are truly grateful.”

Answering a call to serve

The Friends of Devereux, which formed in 1999, is comprised of 42 volunteers – all community supporters.

Ashley Walters, who currently serves as president of the group, began volunteering in 2013.

“I was working on earning my bachelor’s degree in psychology when I heard about Devereux from a friend – she knew I wanted to work with children who had a similar background as me,” Walters explained. “I was raised mostly by my grandparents due to a severed relationship with my mother, and I would not be where I am today without them. Some of the children served by Devereux do not have someone in their family who can help them thrive. I joined this group because I wanted to show them there are people in this world who truly care and want them to succeed.”

Diane Morris joined the Friends of Devereux in 2003, noting that she was impressed by the group’s mission.

“Having come from a family with its own unique challenges, I saw this as an opportunity to help the next generation,” Morris shared. “While social distancing guidelines have prevented us from holding some of our larger events this year, we are still providing birthday gifts and activity boxes, and sponsoring other activities to let the children know we are still here for them.”

Learn more about Devereux Texas, and learn more about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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