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Devereux Pennsylvania CIDDS students collect donations for food bank


Youth enrolled in Devereux Pennsylvania Children’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services Learning Center recently held a food drive on campus to support the Chester County Food Bank.

In just three weeks, students collected 170 pounds of food, including cereal, canned vegetables and pasta, to donate to the food bank.

Students at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Pennsylvania are learning the importance of giving back to the community.

Youth enrolled in Devereux Pennsylvania Children’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services (CIDDS) Learning Center recently held a food drive on campus to support the Chester County Food Bank.

In just three weeks, students collected 170 pounds of food, including cereal, canned vegetables and pasta, to donate to the food bank.

“Students placed donation boxes around campus, and staff members generously donated food,” said Devereux Pennsylvania CIDDS Learning Center Education Director Susan Nice, MSW. “This project taught our youth important life lessons, such as cooperation and how to work together as a team to help others. Students learned that their actions – no matter how big or small – can make a difference in the community.”

Learning valuable skills

Students who participate in Devereux Pennsylvania CIDDS Learning Center’s supported employment program, which helps youth acquire the skills needed to secure and maintain meaningful and competitive employment in the community, took part in this project.

“Whether our students are assembling and packaging ‘Welcome Books’ to help Devereux families learn more about our center, or holding a food drive, they are developing essential job, life and social skills,” explained Devereux Pennsylvania CIDDS Learning Center Job Coach Mialee Anderson. “Earlier this year, we held another community service project to benefit the Chester County Food Bank. Students decorated cardboard boxes that were going to be packed with food and distributed to senior citizens in need. With our food drive, the youth in our care collected and sorted items, making sure the food was safe and packaged properly. Some individuals once again showed off their artistic skills by decorating and labeling boxes.”

Anderson says the food drive allowed students the opportunity to work on their coordination, organization and communication skills, while lending a helping hand to those in need. “Our youth really enjoyed this project, and are already asking when they can do it again,” Anderson shared.

Learn more about Devereux Pennsylvania Children’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services, and learn more about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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