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Devereux’s consulting services help New York nonprofit improve business performance

At Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, we are proud to assist businesses and organizations that need training and consulting services in a variety of areas.

Recently, Devereux provided consulting services to Catholic Guardian Services to help strengthen the business performance of the New York nonprofit’s Family Counseling and Wellness Center. Over a six-month period, Devereux team members consulted with Catholic Guardian’s finance, quality management and clinic operations staff on an assessment and turnaround plan.

“We are grateful for all the tools and insights Devereux imparted to us,” said Catholic Guardian Services CEO Craig Longley. “Devereux helped make our Family Counseling and Wellness Center stronger, and placed us on a firm footing for continued success.”

Devereux Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Rhea Fernandes, Psy.D., also noted, “We are honored to partner with organizations like Catholic Guardian Services to assist them in improving their business performance and achieving organizational goals. Through a short-term consultation arrangement, our team of experts worked closely with Catholic Guardian staff, analyzing operational strengths and areas of improvement, and making recommendations that would help them attain desired results.”

Growing a successful business

In 2018, Catholic Guardian Services opened the Family Counseling and Wellness Center, a behavioral health clinic for children and families in the Bronx, New York.

“As many mental health clinic providers know, it is challenging to operate at a breakeven point, and the COVID-19 pandemic did not help us launch successfully,” Longley explained. “The Devereux team taught us to look at our financial modeling differently and to prioritize clinician productivity. Devereux team members gave us the wisdom of their years of experience and transferred their expert knowledge in the friendliest and most supportive manner imaginable. As a result, our clinic has turned around. Thanks to Devereux, we now know the recipe for success, and have even expanded our clinic into Harlem.”

Devereux’s training/consulting services

Have an important project you need to implement? Want to improve your organization’s service lines? Looking to develop organizational strategies aimed at bolstering business performance?

Devereux offers training and consulting services in the following areas:

  • Project management: We use best-in-class project management techniques to tailor traditional, agile and hybrid project management methodologies to meet your organization’s needs.
  • Service line optimization: We partner with you to help improve your organization’s service lines, including residential services, foster care and outpatient programs.
  • School-based services: We provide support to schools around early learning, academic interventions, safety practices and the assessment and treatment of students with complex behaviors, cognitive challenges and communication needs.
  • Organizational culture: We have established nationally-recognized programs in Servant Leadership and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and support other organizations in promoting transformational change.
  • Strategic consulting: We can help your team develop organizational strategies aimed at improving business performance, including strategic and tactical planning, as well as mergers and acquisitions, and affiliation considerations.

Learn more about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health’s training and consulting services.


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