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Megan Russell-Currie appointed to APA Integrated Health Care Alliance Advisory Board

Rayni Brindley

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Director of Clinical and Professional Affairs Megan Russell-Currie was recently appointed to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Integrated Health Care Alliance Advisory Board.

During her three-year term, Russell-Currie will work on a long-term initiative that will:

  • Promote the importance of integrated health care to doctors and clinicians across the country
  • Generate awareness about a new payment model being used for integrated healthcare funding as a foundation for value-based models
  • Provide doctors and clinicians with the technical expertise – through training, peer mentoring and coaching – to help them adopt this payment model and develop integrated healthcare processes within their practices

“In collaboration other board members – such as nurse practitioners, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and internal medicine doctors – we are looking to transform the way behavioral healthcare is delivered,” she explained. “As part of this effort, we must highlight the criticality of reintegrating physical and behavioral healthcare, ensuring whole-person health, help identify risk factors and increase access to care to people with emotional, behavioral and cognitive differences.” 

In addition to Russell-Currie, the Integrated Health Care Alliance Advisory Board includes leaders from organizations including: The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American College of Physicians, National Governors Association, Patient Center Primary Care Collaborative, American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association and Nemours.  

Russell-Currie brings analytic skills to the table

Russell-Currie was selected to participate on the APA board as a result of her work at Devereux to collect and analyze behavioral health outcomes and evidence-based practices across the organization’s 15 centers. Note:Outcomes” refer to the end results of actions to improve an individual’s behavioral health.  

“Because Devereux’s practices already reflect an integrated healthcare approach through interdisciplinary treatment models, my goal is to connect with others on the board, and in the field, to share our experiences, technical expertise and outcomes – so that integrated healthcare becomes a standard of care,” explained Russell-Currie.  

Russell-Currie said participating on this board also will be an excellent opportunity to begin a deeper dive into the development of Devereux’s integrated healthcare best practices and evidence-based models, so they can be shared as part of this initiative.  

About Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit organizations providing services, insight, and leadership in the evolving field of behavioral health care. Founded in 1912 by special education pioneer Helena Devereux, the nonprofit operates a comprehensive national network of clinical, therapeutic, educational and employment programs and services that positively impact the lives of tens of thousands of children, adults and their families every year.

Learn about Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health.


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