Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health - Center for Effective Schools

Devereux National

Our Products

The CES has developed research-based products and materials to address the needs of youth in school and family settings. We provide these products with a comprehensive consultation package. Please contact us for more information.

Please visit our shop website for information about our products.

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The Center for Effective Schools also produces the Not Your Average School Psychologist podcast. Learn more about the podcast.

Products Available on Our Shop Site:

Lunchroom Behavior Game

The Lunchroom Behavior Game (LBG) is a Tier 1 strategy for use in school cafeterias to improve student prosocial behavior. It is designed for elementary and middle schools (K-8). The LBG consists of staff training for implementing the program, as well as an LBG kit to play the "game." The LBG can be delivered by any school-based staff.

Calm Cat: Relaxation Skills for Elementary Students

Calm Cat is a relaxation skills training for students in grades K-5 who demonstrate needs related to emotion regulation. It consists of five weekly group sessions that can be implemented by any school-based professional.

Positive Outcomes with Emotion Regulation (POWER) Program: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Secondary Students

The Positive Outcomes with Emotion Regulation (POWER) Program is an emotion regulation program for students in grades 7-12 who have, or are at-risk for, mental or behavioral health needs. It consists of seven weekly group meetings that can be implemented by any school-based professional.

Problem-Solving Interview for Function-Based Intervention (PSI)

The PSI is a brief, indirect, simple process for evaluating the function of an individual’s behavior. It consists of team-based problem-solving intended for intervention planning for individuals in need of Tier II supports and/or screening to identify individuals in need of a comprehensive functional behavioral assessment (FBA).

Steps to Effectively Problem-Solve (STEPS)

STEPS is a Tier 2 problem-solving skills training program for students in grades 7-12. It consists of eight sessions delivered twice weekly to students individually. STEPS can be delivered by any school-based professional.

Planning and Facilitating Group-Based Interventions

Planning and Facilitating Group-Based Interventions addresses the development and implementation of Tier 2 intervention groups with a focus on the behavior management strategies and logistical planning considerations to set groups up for success.

Products Currently Available with Consultation Services:

Devereux Classroom Observation Tool

The Devereux Classroom Observation Tool (DCOT) is a direct observation tool designed to measure the implementation of evidence-based classroom management practices. The DCOT includes nine skill areas that address classroom routines and acknowledgment of student behavior. It also includes student outcome measures for task engagement and cooperative behavior. The observation for each skill area is brief and can be used to regularly monitor the use of classroom management practices over time. The CES staff may use the DCOT to conduct observations in classrooms, or they may train teachers and support staff to use the DCOT.

Toolbox of Parenting Skills™ (TOPS): Parent Management Training

The Toolbox of Parenting Skills (TOPS) curriculum is a training program for parents designed for delivery by school personnel. Based on the most effective approach to training parents, TOPS offers parents a methodology for encouraging positive behavior in their youngsters as an alternative to using harsh and/or ineffective punishment approaches. A TOPS train-the-trainer program is offered for school counselors, social workers, psychologists, teachers and administrators.