Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Arizona

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Frequently Asked Questions about Therapeutic Foster Care

How do I become a therapeutic foster parent?
The process of becoming a foster parent requires two to four visits to your home and the completion of state-mandated training. The licensing worker assigned to you will gather the necessary paperwork, interview all household members, and help prepare you for the safety inspection of your home. All household members must pass background checks. Devereux’s training and screening process encompasses a mutual selection platform so that a fully informed decision can be made about whether becoming a therapeutic foster parent is right for you and your family.

What kind of specialized training does Devereux provide?
Training is provided to all foster parents. In addition, your spouse or domestic partner will be required to attend training, as applicable. CPR, first aid and other training may be required for licensing, and additional training is provided year-round to foster parents interested in further education.

Are there any fees to become a licensed therapeutic foster parent?
Devereux does not charge foster parents for training or licensing.

How long does it take to become a licensed therapeutic foster parent?
On average, it will take approximately four to six months for you to become licensed. The sooner you complete all of the requirements (fingerprint clearance card, CPR/first aid training, etc.) as well as the necessary paperwork, the faster you will progress through the licensing process. It takes two weeks or more to become registered with each of the funding agencies before you will be able to accept individuals into your home.

Where will my therapeutic foster individual come from?
A individual may come from another foster home, a group home or a residential facility. Our individual referrals originate from health insurance plans, managed care organizations (MCOs) and Regional Behavioral Health Authorities (RBHA’s) as funded by the state behavioral health system and federal tax monies. We also receive individuals from various tribal entities throughout the state.

Will I get to meet the individual before he or she is placed in my home?
Yes, you will get to meet the individual and, in most cases, have a visit in your home before making your placement decision.

Will a foster individual need his or her own room?
In many cases, foster individuals in our child program may share a room with someone of the same gender, though their specific history and behavioral issues may require them to have their own room. Regardless, the foster individual will need space for personal belongings and be provided their own bed. In the adult program, the foster individual must sign a written agreement to share a room. Otherwise, they will need their own room.

Do I have to take any individual you contact me about?
No. Prior to becoming licensed, you and your Devereux licensing worker will decide what type of individuals would be a good match for your family. When we notify you of a potential match, we will provide you with information so you can make an informed decision before scheduling a meeting or visit. Please note, the safety of our individuals, and of your family, is of the upmost importance, so we will not contact you about any individual we feel may present a safety risk.

Do you offer financial compensation?
Yes. You will be provided financial compensation to cover the costs associated with caring for a therapeutic foster individual. This compensation is provided to cover expenses, such as room and board, mileage, clothing, recreation and allowance. In addition, individuals in foster care have full medical coverage.

What type of supports will I be provided as a therapeutic foster parent?
A Devereux Arizona specialist assigned to your family will conduct frequent visits to your home. Your specialist will provide you with resources, training and other supports, as needed. In addition, you will receive an allowance of paid respite days that you can utilize throughout the year.

What if I decide being a full-time therapeutic foster parent isn’t for me right now?
There are many opportunities to help our individuals without becoming a full-time therapeutic foster parent. You may be able to provide short-term respite care to foster families, as well as donate or volunteer. Visit our Get Involved page for ways to support our foster care programs and individuals.

How long will individuals remain in my home?
This varies depending on the circumstances of each individual and their individual situation. Placements can last a few months to a few years or longer. The average length of stay is nine to 12 months, but it varies greatly.

Where and when do individuals visit their family of origin?
In the child program, that is largely determined by the treatment team in conjunction with the child’s legal guardian and courts for those individuals in Department of Child Safety (DCS) custody. For those individuals not in state custody, there are no restrictions on visitation, and that would be worked out between you and the individual’s parents. In the adult program, the individuals would largely be able to decide when these visitations occur.

Have questions or ready to get started? 

Phoenix Area (Maricopa County)
Contact Foster Care
(602) 283-7107

Tucson Area (Pima County)
Contact Foster Care
(520) 576-5801