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School-Based Services

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health provides support to schools around early learning, academic interventions, safety practices, and the assessment and treatment of students with complex behaviors, cognitive challenges and communication needs. Devereux uses evidence-based practices with an emphasis on assisting school systems with special education populations.

Our school-based services comprise the following divisions:

Look below to learn more about our education services.

Center for Autism Research and Education Services (CARES) Consulting

  • Coaching and consultation for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) populations
  • Comprehensive program reviews
  • Individual consultation, including for students with high risk behavior
  • Staff training and professional development
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for ASD populations

Center for Effective Schools

  • Consultation to enhance multi-tiered systems of support for academic, social, emotional and behavioral outcomes in early childhood, elementary, secondary, alternative education and other specialized settings
  • Training and coaching to promote the delivery of evidence-based classroom practices, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices and mental health interventions
  • Comprehensive program reviews
  • Management of emotional support classrooms and placement of mental health therapists in schools
  • Continuing education programs for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, the American Psychological Association, ACT 48 (Pennsylvania Department of Education) and the National Board for Certified Counselors

Center for Resilient Children

  • Resiliency training and resources for those supporting young children (birth through 5 years old)
  • Strategies to support the social and emotional development of young children, while reducing challenging behaviors
  • Assessment/planning through the Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) Program
  • Resilient leadership training and coaching consultation
  • Professional development and resources focused on adult resilience and self-care (for teachers, parents, etc.)

Direct Care Training Resources

  • Safe & Positive Approaches® Train-the-Trainer and Basic Training
    • Staff Effectiveness – Prevention strategies and non-physical de-escalation
    • Safety Techniques – Passive evasive maneuvers
    • Personal Emergency Interventions
  • Supportive Behavioral Supervision and the Supervision of Safe & Positive Approaches training
  • QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training

Contact us

Devereux’s education services include all student populations: regular education supports, special education, English language learners and students placed in alternative education settings.

If you are interested in these services, or have any questions, contact Devereux Vice President of Educational Services Jacalyn Auris, Ed.D., via email at jauris@devereux.org or by phone at (484) 947-1099, or Devereux National Director of Education Operations Mike Manchester, CSM, via email at michael.manchester@devereux.org, or by phone at (610) 360-6485.