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Servant Leadership Snapshot

Devereux’s talented and hard-working team members lead to serve, while inspiring others to learn and grow. Our “Servant Leadership Snapshot” series shines a light on exemplary servant leaders across our organization who empower all those around them to be their best selves. Look below to read features written by these compassionate collaborators as they help their teams, programs, departments and centers reach even greater heights through Servant Leadership.


Krista Tendler, Nursing SupervisorKrista Tendler

Center/office location: Devereux Connecticut
- The Glenholme School -  Washington

Length of service: October 2020

How do you embed an inclusive, Servant Leadership mindset into your daily processes?

I started my professional life as a social worker, and was taught from the very beginning to view a person in their environment – to see where they are coming from and how they perceive the world. This has carried over into my nursing career and allowed me to have quality conversations while I am treating someone. I always ask, “How can I help?” Sometimes, it is just to provide a safe respite from the world for a few minutes and add in some humor, and other times, it is something more tangible. Either way, I always try to remain present for them during their time with me.

How do you inspire others to embrace Servant Leadership practices?

I believe every living thing deserves kindness and respect, and the best way to inspire others is to lead by example. I will stop walking to save a bug on the path in front of me and help it to safety. A student will see me do that, and ask, “Why?” This will lead to a wonderful conversation about showing kindness and helping others in need. Hopefully, this will create a butterfly effect of caring in the future.

Share an example or story of how you demonstrated compassion or delivered quality customer service at your center.

Nurses have a unique role on campus. We are there to help, support and promote a healthy life. Students don’t go to see the nurse because they got in trouble or to get a homework assignment. They go for help with whatever they need at that moment. It is for this reason I have an open-door policy. I always make myself available no matter what. I try to make every interaction one of compassion no matter how big or small the medical need at the time.