Programs & Services
Behavioral Health Services
Intensive Treatment Home programs serve youth ages 4 through 21 with emotional and behavioral challenges in community-based homes with specially trained professional family practitioners, Youth receive treatment to include skills based training, individual and/or group therapy, individualized behavioral motivational systems and case management services.
Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Community Based-Living Services
Devereux NJ serves individuals ranging from age 6 to adulthood in community-based homes and apartments throughout the state. Referrals for children and youth under the age of 21 are received from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and referrals for individuals 21 and older are received from the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). Individualized plans are developed for each consumer to include essential life skills training, habilitative behavioral treatment, or vocational training. Medical, dental, and psychiatric care is accessed and delivered in the community. Individuals learn life skills designed to increase their ability to live in the least restrictive environment.
How can we help you?
Devereux New Jersey Admissions 1515 Burnt Mill Road Cherry Hill, N.J., 08003
Amy Terranova, Admissions Specialist Tel: (856) 599-6411 Cell: (640) 204-0448 njiddadmissions@devereux.org
Adina Edwards, Admissions Specialist Tel: (856) 599-6411 Cell: (856) 4432-2516 njpriorauthorizations@devereux.org
Additional Services:
- DD/MI Community-Based Specialty Treatment Homes
- Juvenile Detention Alternative Program
- Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Services
- Intensive Homes for Dually Diagnosed Adults
- I/DD Treatment Care Programs
- Vocational Programs
- Project Freedom
- Clinical and Behavioral Outreach Services
- Devereux Consultants
New Jersey - Programs
The Devereux New Jersey Treatment Network currently provides services throughout the state. Listed below are the names and addresses for programs and services provided for that region.
Devereux New Jersey Treatment home Programs
SOUTHERN REGION Established in 1994 1515 Burnt Mill Road Cherry Hill, N.J., 08003 General: (856) 599-6400 / Fax: (856) 599-6401 Admissions: (856) 599-6411 Ages: 4-21 Services: Family-based homes provide a therapeutic home environment for youth who are in need of a short-term living arrangement. Family Practitioners in collaboration with other service providers meet each youth’s physical, emotional and behavioral needs and work together to achieve his/her permanency goals.
NORTHERN REGION Established in 2001 100 Campus Drive, Suite 201, Morganville, NJ 07751 General: (888) 779-1440 / Fax: (732) 536-0143 Ages: 5-21 Services: Family-based homes provide a therapeutic home environment for youth who are in need of a short-term living arrangement. Family Practitioners in collaboration with other service providers meet each youth’s physical, emotional and behavioral needs and work together to achieve his/her permanency goals.
Devereux New Jersey Community-based Residences
Established in 1997 1515 Burnt Mill Road Cherry Hill, N.J., 08003 General: (856) 599-6400 / Fax: (856) 599-6401 6 Offices Statewide Ages: 6-Lifespan Diagnosis: Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and dual diagnosis (MH/ID)
Programs: Community-based residences, family-based treatment homes, semi-independent apartment living, supportive/supported employment, adult training services, respite, and intensive units for dually-diagnosed adults
Training: Pre-Service Employee Training Program 201 Willowbrook Blvd. Wayne, NJ 07470 General: (973) 812-8600 / Fax: (973) 812-6665
Established in 1995 1515 Burnt Mill Road Cherry Hill, N.J., 08003 General: (856) 599-6400 / Fax: (856) 599-6401 Referrals: (856) 599-6411 Ages: Pre-School through Lifespan
Diagnosis: Intellectual and developmental disorders, including autism, PDD, and other severe developmental disabilities, as well as social-emotional and disruptive behavior disorders
Programs: School, home and community-based consultation, functional behavior assessments, communication programs, individualized program development/consultation, program review/evaluation, behavior support plans
Professional Workshops: Applied Behavior Analysis, Positive Behavior Support, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and many others available
Devereux New Jersey Vocational Programs
1515 Burnt Mill Road Cherry Hill, N.J., 08003 General: (856) 599-6400 / Fax: (856) 599-6401 Referrals: (856) 599-6411 Ages: 18 through Lifespan Diagnosis: Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders and dual diagnosis (MH/ID)
Programs: Adult day training services that offer special needs individuals the opportunity to use acquired vocational skills and training to meet the needs of employers throughout the community through mobile work crews, and in-house contractual work.
Devereux New Jersey has several vocational programs throughout the state.