Research/Program EvaluationThe Research Project/Program EvaluationThe research project/program evaluation is a capstone requirement for all Devereux interns. Each intern is expected to complete one research or outcome study during his or her internship. Topics are chosen by the intern in concert with the primary supervisor and director of training, and relate directly to clinical issues and questions pertinent to the intern’s training site. Research studies incorporate an experimental design, either single case or group, in which an independent variable (IV) is manipulated. Quasi-experimental and correlational designs are acceptable alternative designs. Outcome studies typically incorporate pre-experimental, pretest/posttest or posttest-only, designs in which there is no manipulation of the IV and the intent is to examine the impact of an existing program or training approach. Outcome studies may be planned in concert with the Quality Improvement specialist at each site. The staff and facilities of the Institute of Clinical and Professional Training and Research (ICPTR) are made available to the interns to assist them in the design, execution and analysis of the study/program evaluation. ICPTR also encourages interns to present or publish their studies. All interns present the outcomes of their study at a research poster presentation, hosted by ICPTR, and attended by Devereux staff and leadership. The Savin Scholar AwardEvery year, Devereux ICPTR offers the Savin Scholar Award to a Professional Psychology intern who proposes a research study/program evaluation that is regarded as “exemplary.” The award is announced at the end of January and consists of three parts: (a) up to $1,500 to conduct the study, (b) recognition and a cash award of $500 delivered by Dr. Howard Savin at the Research Poster Presentations in June, and (c) a $1,500 award for travel if the study is accepted for presentation at a conference the following year. |