Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Direct Care Training Resources

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Safe & Positive Approaches

Part 1: Staff Effectiveness Training Program Description

Staff Effectiveness Training provides strategies of preventing and defusing crisis situations, methods of intervening using a non‐physical approach, and an examination of staff behavior and its effect on the individuals served. Applying the concepts of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) and trauma‐informed care, the program presents behavioral guidelines for positive interactions, antecedent interventions, de‐escalation techniques, and relaxation strategies and problem-solving skills for crisis prevention.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to identify the behavioral, environmental, and programmatic factors that impact staff effectiveness and promote positive interactions.
  2. Participants will be able to utilize antecedent strategies and observation skills for the prevention of crisis.
  3. Participants will be able to demonstrate the use of appropriate and effective de-escalation techniques.
  4. Participants will be able to demonstrate a 5-step problem-solving process for crisis prevention.
  5. Participants will be able to describe the effects of stress and demonstrate three relaxation strategies for managing stress.
  6. Participants will be able to define key terms associated with trauma, identify the prevalence and impact of trauma, and describe ways to put the principles of a trauma‐informed approach into practice.

 Core Learning Activities:

  • Analysis of Staff Behaviors
  • Behavioral Guidelines for Positive Interaction
  • Preventing Crisis with Antecedent Management
  • De-Escalation Techniques

Supplemental Learning Activities: 

  • Problem-Solving Skills for Crisis Prevention
  • Stress Management and Relaxation Training
  • Informed About Trauma: An Overview of Trauma and Trauma‐Informed Care

Part 1: Staff Effectiveness Train-the-Trainer Program

Staff Effectiveness Train-the-Trainer prepares trainer-candidates to conduct Staff Effectiveness Training (SET) programs and learning activities that meet the customized training needs of their organization’s staff. Participants in this two-day trainer-certification program experience first-hand the core learning activities of the SET curriculum. Participants learn how to interact more positively and therapeutically, practice skills that are essential to preventing and defusing crisis situations, and recognize ways to apply the concepts of positive behavioral supports and trauma informed care to the prevention and intervention of crisis.

In addition to their acquisition of curricular content and skills, trainer-candidates learn how to use effective training methods and materials for training adult learners. Participation includes role play exercises, written assessments, practice-training presentations and observations, and giving and receiving feedback. Each participant receives the SET trainer’s manual, video scenarios, handouts, assessment tools and supplementary training resources.

Upon successful completion of the Staff Effectiveness Train-the-Trainer program, certification is awarded to qualified participants by Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health. Participation does not guarantee certification. Web-accessible training materials (via trainer login) and Staff Effectiveness Trainer Refreshers are available to certified Trainers to maintain their Trainer certification.