Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health New Jersey

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The 2016 Majestic Sea Adventure Highlights

On Saturday April 2, 2016 Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health New Jersey celebrated World Autism Day in a big way. The 12th Annual Dinner Dance took place that evening at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey. A record breaking amount of guests attended this year’s event. Guests included members of both the Southern and Northern Advisory Boards, friends and family of Devereux, Philadelphia Eagle Jordan Hicks and Senator Stephen Sweeney were all in attendance.

Let’s get this party started!

Jellyfish, sharks, and even a penguin created a playful ambiance for guests to enjoy their cocktails and appetizers. Guests were also able to take in breath-taking views of the sun setting over the city skyline and Villanova basketball game during cocktail hour. There truly was something for everyone to enjoy.

Dinner, Dancing and Donations

While the sharks swam in the background guests enjoyed their dinner and honoree presentations. This year Devereux New Jersey decided to recognize a variety of individuals for their various efforts. Dr. Michael Hassman and Tracy Ann Bancroft accepted this year’s Family Engagement Recognition Award. Tracy is a full-time, stay at home Mom who believes in volunteering to help others. Tracy spoke of her roots and her family history that evening. Tracy’s father had been removed from his home and pIaced in an orphanage where he lived with his siblings until one day a kind stranger adopted them. That act of kindness is also what drives Tracy to give back as well. Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health New Jersey is fortunate to have Tracy serve on our Southern Advisory Board for the last 8 years. Dr. Mike, as his patients call him, is a busy doctor and father to his and Tracy’s two young children. He is also a proud uncle to a special individual DNJ cares for and a major donor to the organization. Dr. Mike joked that evening that, “Tracy does all the work, he just writes the checks.” All jokes aside, Devereux is fortunate to have both of their support. We are thankful for their efforts and proud to honor them in this way.

The Development team could not let this evening pass by without taking time to acknowledge a few others as well. Mrs. Rosalie Chapman, Mrs. Fran Meagher, and Mrs. Linda Silver were presented with the Parent Volunteer Award. All three are mothers to individuals DNJ cares for and members of the parent auxiliary board. These three women dedicate their talents and time to helping not only the Development team, but DNJ wherever and whenever needed. Devereux is incredibly fortunate and grateful for them.

After the speeches it was time for the live auction. The always entertaining Stephen Katz came dressed in blue to show his support for World Autism Day and auctioned off gifts in style! This year’s live auction featured NY Yankees tickets, an African Safari, a Spanish Villa vacation, artwork from a Devereux individual and a trip to the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia. For the first time Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health New Jersey used our mobile bidding system for the Donate to Devereux portion of the evening. This feature included a thermometer which increased in temperature as guests donated electronically. The room filled with excitement as we all watched the temperature increase towards our goal amount. When the donations exceeded the goal amount the room was buzzing with energy and guests cheering!

All the excitement allowed for the night to continue on with guests dancing to the sounds of Imagine. The event was an overall success and a good time seemed to be had by all. Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health New Jersey would like to thank all those who helped make this event successful. Be sure to stay tuned for information on next year’s event as well as other fun events.

