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Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health combines evidence-based interventions with compassionate family engagement to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across all stages of life. We are committed to implementing multi-tiered systems of behavioral and academic support, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) across our treatment network.

“Devereux Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports” (D-PBIS) is a trauma-informed framework that combines several initiatives under one umbrella to create a seamless, multi-layered system of support for individuals across all Devereux programs. D-PBIS promotes a positive, proactive approach for teaching skills in a variety of safe and supportive environments. Typically, the referring agency and school representatives (where indicated) work with families to determine the most appropriate level of care for an individual.

We serve children, adolescents and adults across the country. Individuals and families who are not located near our service areas are encouraged to contact us for more information.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services

Treatment in Residential Settings

For individuals in need of 24-hour, out-of-home services, our residential treatment programs provide the resources needed to meet an individual's treatment, social and educational goals.

Children: CT, FL, GA, MA, NY, PA, TX
Adolescents: CT, FL, GA, MA, NY, PA, TX
Adults: CA, FL, PA

Community-Based Living

Our community-based services provide independent living options for individuals to reside within their communities, whether in group homes, lifesharing homes or supported apartments.

Adolescents: FL, MA, NY, PA, RI
Adults: CA, FL, MA, NJ, NY, PA

Outpatient and Other Specialized Services

These specialized services are designed to meet each individual's treatment needs in the least restrictive environment possible. In addition to outpatient counseling, services may include: wraparound, respite, clinical and educational assessments, family counseling, medication management, and parent and sibling consultations.

Children: AZ, MA, NJ, PA
Adolescents: AZ, MA, NJ, PA
Adults: NJ, PA

Special Education Day Schools

Devereux day schools offer high quality, innovative special education programs within a structured environment to prepare students for returning to their local schools and communities. Students receive individualized interventions based on their unique needs. Support services and a therapeutic environment enhance the educational, behavioral, emotional and social skill development of children and adolescents. Our interventions emphasize Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

Children: CT, FL, MA, NY, PA, TX
Adolescents: CT, FL, MA, NY, PA, TX

Therapeutic Foster Care

Every child deserves a loving and nurturing family, and a positive home environment, to help them thrive. Devereux’s therapeutic foster care program provides services for children and adolescents in need. We use a multi-disciplinary team approach that embraces each individual’s unique potential and emphasizes innovative program development and clinical excellence. Foster care services include: intensive clinical intervention, traditional foster care, respite services and case management for children in the foster care system.

Children: AZ, MA, RI
Adolescents: AZ, MA, RI

Employment and Transition Services

Devereux offers a variety of employment services and supports to transition-age youth and adults, including pre-vocational training, community-supported employment and pre-employment day programs. All programs are designed to foster community inclusion, and help individuals develop living and communication skills.

Adolescents: FL, MA, NY, PA
Adults: CA, FL, NJ, NY, PA