Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Florida

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Devereux National

May Awareness Get Involved

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May is National Foster Care Month, a time to recognize the hard work and the heart of all those who make a difference in the lives of children in foster care. There are thousands of children and adolescents in the child welfare system than there are foster families. There are several ways you can get involved.

Here’s the top 5 ways how you can make a difference…

  1. Become a Foster Parent – We are currently looking for individuals to provide specialized foster family treatment for children in need. Become a foster parent or encourage others to do so. Call 407-473-0222 or email us at for more information.

  3. Help Spread the Word – Please help us recruit specialized foster parents. Talk to your friends, neighbors, church or community organizations and encourage them to get involved. Devereux specializes in treatment foster care. We are particularly in need of foster parents for our DELTA program - which serves survivors of sexual exploitation, our specialized therapeutic foster care program and our Family Care Program – which specializes in caring for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Please have them call 407-473-0222 or email us at for more information.

  5. Help Support Our Kids –Your tax deductible contribution can provide so much for a foster child who has been given so little in life. Donating online is simple, quick and secure. You can make a onetime gift or setup reoccurring gifts. Click here to make an online donation.

  7. Thank A Foster Parent - Many of those we serve are in need of a temporary, safe and nurturing home and our foster parents play an essential role in providing this level of care. Our foster parents are an integral part of our core mission. This month, please help us in recognizing our foster parents for everything they do to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Please visit our Devereux Florida Facebook page and leave a “Thank You” message for our Foster Parents – a note of thanks goes a long way!

  9. Join Us – Join Friends of Devereux, a group of individuals from our community with a shared passion for helping others. This group stays involved with Devereux on an ongoing basis to help those we serve. For more information, please email us at